Depending on your individual case, one or more of the following physical therapies may be utilized during the course of your treatment.
Spinal Adjustment
Used to remove joint restrictions and correct structural problems. It helps to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and muscle spasms, increase range of motion, and remove nerve interference. We utilize manual techniques, flexion/distraction, and Activator Methods.
Hot moist Packs are often used to raise the temperature of soft tissues directly below the surface of the skin. It is usually recommended for the relaxation of tissues in spasm and temporary relief of symptoms associated with chronic pain and muscle tightness. Using heat to calm tissues suffering from long term spasm or irritation is an easy way to increase flexibility, range of motion, and promote increased circulation to speed the healing process.
Cryotherapy (Ice)
Cold Packs are used to reduce the temperature of tissues directly below the surface of the skin. Surface cooling constricts blood vessels, numbs painful areas, and helps to relieve pain. Cold temperatures reduce nerve transmission of painful symptoms and provide temporary relief. It is most often used to manage acute injuries or recent eruptions of chronic conditions in order to reduce swelling and inflammation.
Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)
Electrical muscle stimulation is a special form of electrical current administered at the site of soft tissue injury for blocking pain. Small amounts of current are induced into the tissues for the purpose of reducing swelling. It is a widely used technique to safely strengthen muscle and reduce painful symptoms.
Kinesiotape is a flexible, latex-free, state-of-the-art tape that is applied to soft tissues to promote stability and selectively facilitate or inhibit muscle firing. Application of this tape by a trained professional also increases lymphatic drainage, improves proprioception and increases neuromuscular efficiency so an athlete may return from injury faster and even reduce their predisposition to injury. Specific techniques of kinesiotaping may also be administered to significantly reduce bruising and swelling associated with acute injuries.
Ultrasound is a therapeutic treatment using high frequency sound waves administered to soft tissues injuries. Sound vibrations penetrate the tissues deep in the body creating a heat response. It relaxes muscle spasms, reduces swelling, repairs damaged soft tissues, improves blood flow, and speeds the healing process.
Intersegmental Traction
A method of inducing passive motion into your spine for the purpose of stretching spinal joints and increasing mobility. Since vertebral discs have poor blood supply, they get nutrients from the circulation of fluids surrounding the spinal joints. Fixations prevent this natural circulation and can cause disc thinning and degeneration. Inter-segmental traction helps to increase and restore necessary elasticity and motion to the spine.
Cervical (Neck) Traction
This therapy helps to restore the normal neck curve. Loss of neck curve or "forward head posture" is one of the most common problems due to the mechanics of most work and home activities. These activities force people to look down for extended periods of time reinforcing this bad posture. Left uncorrected a forward head posture can cause or accelerate arthritic degeneration of neck bones or discs by placing abnormal stresses on the spine.
Exercise Rehabilitation
Musculoskeletal rehab is the active form of patient therapy. It utilizes exercises that stretch, stabilize, and strengthen the muscles. Some of its techniques include joint proprioception, muscle re-education, and muscle coordination. Rehab is very important in maintaining wellness and preventing re-injury.
Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger point therapy is used to reduce muscle spasms and relax hyperactive muscles. This helps restore normal range of motion and promote faster healing. It is used in many conditions in which body relaxation, the reduction of swelling and muscle mobilization is desired.
Cervical Pillows are recommended for all of our patients whether or not they experience neck symptoms. It helps to restore and maintain the natural curve of the neck while asleep or at rest. In addition, it forces you to sleep on your back or side allowing the body to be in the correct posture for sleeping. This will help to reduce and/or prevent both neck and low back problems.
Other products include TENS units, jaw splints, home traction units, & home exercise products.
Call The CHIROPRACTORS at Toringdon to schedule an appointment today!